Welcome to Predestined Persona Infinity
Skullgirls // 29 Oct 2011
Working on Skullgirls as one of the main animators. Game comes out on PSN/XBLA early 2012 - pick it up if you like Capcom-style fighting games with nice music by the Castlevania composer, Michiru Yamane.

( =_=)/ // 30 Aug 2010

So I worked on the Scott P game!

Sorry for not updating in forever. i have no idea when I'll ever get around to updating this site, if ever. You can just check out my stuff at the Visublog, on Deviant Art / Tumblr / Pixiv, or Twitter. I also started up a weekly webcomic called Instruction Space, about a guy and his cute sentient Sega console.

Thank for visiting!
New update time // 29 May 2009
p4 comic

Hey guys, I graduated college! I'm going to either rehaul the site or at least update with some new art soon so look forward to that.

In other news, my art was featured on Destructoid!
Site Updated with STUFF // 05 Nov 2008
Delicious Splashwoman

There's tons of new doodles and some comics and stuff. Well, if you visit the Visublog it won't be that new, but there's some new stuff in there. Some old new stuff too. Take a look at the Gallery!
24 Hour Comic // 22 Oct 2008

Kinuko and I did the 24 hour comic book challenge thing over at the local Brave New World Comics store yesterday. I woke up with the worst cold ever though so I was sniffing and dying the whole time, and only stayed about 16 hours of the full 24. Kinuko finished all 24 pages of her comic but I only got around to do doing 8. I liked to believe it's still pretty okay but who knows. You can read it on the Visublog here or by clicking the top image. Beware of white out and limited drawing tools!